Thursday, January 8, 2009

What a helper

Just one time I would like to get ready without helpers in my bathroom. If I put lotion on, little man thinks he needs to put lotion on. Except he doesn't know when to stop.
Baby H was enjoying some quiet time in her crib watching the mobile. I went upstairs to make my bed and I came back to this. Little man had put a blanket on her and put his music by her so she could hear it. What a helper.

I was informed by big man that if you sleep with your shoes on your feet won't be cold. Try it if you want to, I think I'll pass :)


Connie Babe said...

sweet :)

Janille said...

Those are some cute pictures! You have to LOVE all of the help!

The Rasmussens said...

Little helpers are...well...little helpers. Gotta love them right? BTW, your boys look like twins. So fun!