Tuesday, December 30, 2008

More Christmas Pics

This picture of Baby H cracks me up. I think she looks like a little old lady. This was one of her cute Christmas outfits. The quilt in the background is from Grandma Susie. She made all the kids quilts for Christmas. She is extremely talented. The boys got Thomas quilts for their beds and Baby H got this cute pink one. She always makes amazing Christmas presents. One year she made the boys Teepees and cute little pillows for their beds. Thanks Grandma Susie.

We went to peek at Little man the other night and found him asleep with his headphones on. He got this little mp3 player for Christmas and loves it.
We had a great Christmas. It's always a fun time, but it's nice to have the festivities over with. The tree is down, the decorations put away. Jeff even got the lights off the house today. We're excited for the new year and all the possibilities it brings. We hope that you all have a Happy New Year.


Amy C. said...

Sammie has a quilt out of that same pink fabric. Baby H looks a lot like your boys but she still reminds me a litte of you.

Anonymous said...

Baby H doesn't look like an old lady! SHE IS SO CUTE! I am in the process of getting all of our Christmas down! I wish I was done!