Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby Shower

My cute visiting teacher offered to have a shower for me. I felt kind of bad since I already have two kids. But since this baby's a girl, I can always use more pink :) There was a good turnout of ward friends. They'd gone to a lot of work and it was very nice. I had a fun night.

This is why I don't take picture of me pregnant-I look chubby.

One of the girls in my ward made this diaper cake. It's way too cute to use. I'll have to display it in her room for a while.

Today started my non-stress tests. They actually cause me more stress, but that's beside the point. I'm 36 weeks. I visited my doctor afterwards. My blood pressure was a little bit higher this time and she only grew a centimeter in the last two weeks when she's been consistently gaining a centimeter a week, so I'm thinking she's slowing down. I go in again next Thursday, so we'll see how it goes. I was excited to learn that I'm already dialated to a 1 1/2 so if I do have to be induced this time, I won't have to do the Cervidel like last time-that was the worst. I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

How fun! That is so nice of your ward! It is always nice to get fun new things. Things you would never buy yourself. The diaper cake turned out really cute! I made one for my sister-in-law. They are a lot of work! Good luck with your non-stress tests! I'm getting excited for you! Tell Jeff and the boys HI.

G-mom said...

wow that is a beautiful cake... someone is creative!!