Saturday, May 4, 2013

This and That.

Most of the time I forget to take pictures.  The rest of the time I forget to get them off my phone.  So here's an attempt to clean off my phone. 
The Mover is my biggest helper around the house.  She LOVES to help clean.  She will help with the bathrooms, dishes, sweeping and wiping stuff down.  On this particular day I asked her and Little Princess to clean up the play-doh on the counter.  This was her attempt.

It's rare to get The Mover to smile in a picture.  I guess all it takes is a super fun ride on the car at Walmart. 

Do you ever have one of these laundry weeks?  I am great at washing and drying, but not so much at folding and putting away.  This particular week I kept adding new batches every day until it looked like this.  I'm surprised my kids had any clothes left in their closets.

Dad and his girls cuddling.  So cute.  For the first 20 months of the Mover's life, she didn't want much to do with Jeff. Now she asks where he is ALL the time.  I don't know which is worse :)

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