Happy Birthday to my newest Little Princess. Baby M was born on March 11th at 5:00 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs 6 oz. and was 19 inches long. She's perfect in every way-and stinking cute. I had Big Man take this picture the night before I had her.
I had to call the hospital the morning I was scheduled to be induced. Once I got the go ahead, we headed in. I got to the hospital around 7:40. By the time I got changed and my nurse came down it was closer to 8:30. She took forever doing the history and getting my IV started. The Doctor stopped by around 9:15 to break my water. It didn't quite break the first time. The nurse started the pitocin after that. I was hoping to get going on it before 10 in the morning. Oh well. Because the Dr. had appointments all morning, he didn't get back down until noon to break my water again. This time it worked and things really picked up. Around 1:30 or 2 the contractions started hurting. Around 3:00 I got my epidural. I was only at a 3 when I got the epidural. I was thinking at that rate she wouldn't appear until evening or later. The epidural was awesome. Immediate relief. I was able to rest for a while. Jeff arrived at this point and hung out for a while. I told my nurse I was starting to feel some pressure. She checked me again and I was at a 6. Half hour later, an 8, and half hour later again I was fully dilated. It was the best epidural I've ever had because I didn't feel a thing. The Dr. was called down and I started pushing. Two contractions later she was out. It was the best delivery.
7 lb 6 oz is my largest baby yet, even though she still looks pretty teeny. She's got chubby little cheeks and is perfect in every way.
All the kids came to see their new sister about an hour later. They couldn't wait. You'll notice the two masked ones. They caught my cold. They loved their sister and couldn't get enough of her. It was cute.
I love how babies look after their first bath. They're so clean and pretty.
I think Baby M looks like her sister in this picture. Jeff was sure this one would be dark haired and dark eyed. We'll have to wait a while on the eyes, but I'm hoping she gets blue just like the rest.
Ever since she came out, all she's wanted to do is eat. She caught on pretty quickly and is nursing well. I'm a little sore, but hanging in there and loving every minute with my newest Little Princess.
CONGRATS!! She is BEAUTIFUL! You will have to email me her name.
I am so excited to read about Baby M! She really does look perfect in every way. I'm so happy for you and hope you get lots of time to hold and cuddle her. They grow too fast.
Congratulations!!! We need to get together. We started back up at the gym and I sure miss having someone to work out with. I just can't believe you have 4 now. Lets have a Girls night out.
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