Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Point-Round Three

Today was our final day at Thanksgiving Point. There is another Tuesday this month, but Big Man has his Kindergarten assessment next week, so we won't be going again until next year. Today we hit Farm Country. We got there right after it opened, so it wasn't too crowded yet.

This was probably my favorite part of the whole trip. We bought some food from the machine to feed the cow. I gave some to Big Man, as soon as the cow came at his hand with his long tongue, Big Man dropped the food and was out of there. I ended up having to feed the rest of it to the cow. I got SLIMED. The kids thought it was pretty funny.

We went on the first horse ride of the morning. It was only the four of us. The nice man that was driving took us on an extra long ride. When he dropped us off, he said that everyone else had to go a different, shorter way. The weather was just perfect, it felt like fall-sunny, but nice and cool. I loved it.
We've definitely enjoyed our Two Dollar Tuesdays. See you next August Thanksgiving Point.


Miss Megan said...

I had no idea there are so many things to do at Thanksgiving Point! I'm glad your family has had so much fun going there. I'm sure you were glad for options to get out of the house and just play with them. I can't believe summer's nearly over already!

Amy C. said...

I'm so sad we missed 2 dollar Tuesdays. Maybe we'll see you there next August too.

I love to read your blog. You are so good at updating it. Do you still scrapbook too?