It's definitely a lot harder coming home from a trip than it is preparing or going. When we left for Hawaii there was only a 3 hour time difference, when we came home it was 4. The kids did pretty good adjusting to Hawaii time, but now that we're home they don't want to go back to our 'earlier' schedule. I've had to wake Big Man up in the morning for preschool. We've had some pretty slow mornings.
Friday was my turn for the preschool playgroup. There are four boys besides mine that come over. I only have playgroup about every two weeks at my house. It's a lot of fun, but pretty chaotic. Both my boys have a great time. They're cute kids.
Friday, Grandma Susie and I took the kids to the Sportsman's Expo at the South Towne Expo Center. Jeff was at the show selling optics. If you didn't know he and my brother have a side business of selling optics. (www.vipoptics.c0m) There was lots to do at the show. The boys got to go fishing. Little man even caught one.
They got to pet a baby bear. Little Princess's favorite part of the show was watching the dog diving. The dogs run and jump into the water. (I didn't get a picture).
We could've spent all day on the tractors.
Big Man did the rock climbing wall. He had a blast-I'm not surprised. He's quite the climbing monkey.
He was so determined to get to the top. This is about as far as he made it.
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