Monday, May 18, 2009


Let me just say that I am very skeptical when it comes to MLM's (multi-level marketing). Jeff has joined a few in the past, but they never really went anywhere. A buddy of his approached him about Efusjon a couple of months ago. Jeff put him off at first and I kept thinking-I wish he would bug off :) When Jeff finally found out what Efusjon was all about, he signed up immediately. A few weeks later I was signed up as well. That was at the beginning of April. I just got my first check and I haven't done a thing!!!

What's even better is that next month's check will be almost double that (so far). So here's how it works. Efusjon is an energy club. They have great products as well as a great compensation plan. Their products are all natural and don't contain all the 'junk' that other energy drinks do. I have yet to drink a full can by myself because my boys like it and always have to share with me.

Efusjon is based on a community (shared) matrix. To be paid you have to have three people sign up. Then those people have three people sign up and on and on. You are not only paid on those people that you sign up, but sign-ups from your neighbors in the matrix as well. That's the beauty of the design. When I joined a little over a month ago, I had 17 people underneath me. I now have 117 (and counting). It's fun to watch it grow. What's even better is that Efusjon is going to launch on Facebook in the near future. It will be the first time a MLM and a social networking application will team up. The results are going to be insane!!!

If you want the opportunity to make some extra money, you should check it out. There's a short video that explains the company much better than I did Check it out.

You can also get more information at That's my webpage at Efusjon.

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