Friday, May 15, 2009

T-Ball Boys

We've had a fun t-ball season (thus far) with both boys playing t-ball. Isn't little man too young you ask? Yes, but there was no way I could keep him on the sidelines. He loves that he's part of the team and is quite proud of himself for playing. Here they are ready to play. Their shirts drown them and notice the randomly assigned numbers :)
Big man running the bases. He's come a long way since last year.

Little man taking a breather. He's good through the first two innings and then loses energy (and interest)

The helmet drowns him too! He loves to run the bases.

Swing and a miss.


Amy C. said...

So cute! Love that their numbers are 69. I'm sure they are great athletes!

Janille said...

They are so cute! That is looking a lot like our summer! Don't you LOVE it!!