Thursday, May 28, 2009

What a day, What a week...

First of all, I'm not quite sure why I have been MIA from blogging. I definitely need to update more often :) I've got lots of pictures on my camera that I need to update. This week I have had sick kids. It started last Sunday with Big man throwing up. He did that for a few days and then Little man started. Big man acted and felt better, but as the week progressed he still complained about a tummy ache and didn't eat much. Tonight at t-ball he wouldn't get off my lap. He had no energy at all. I took him to the InstaCare after the game. He checked out great, but the Dr. ran a strep test just in case. It came back POSITIVE. Poor little dude. He's been a trooper all week even though he hasn't felt well. I'm going to get Little man tested tomorrow as well. Hopefully we only have one case of strep!!!

In the middle of two little pukers, my washing machine went out today. I knew it was coming. The motor was getting progressively louder. Today it was really loud and failed to agitate or spin. After my evening at InstaCare, the rest of my time was spent at Lowe's ordering a new one. It will be delivered tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow will be happy washing for me :)

Even though we have been house bound this week, I have accomplished a ton. I cleaned out EVERY closet in the house, organized toys, rearranged clothes, painted the wooden benches, and more. This is in between cleaning up puke and cuddling with sick kids of course.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Let me just say that I am very skeptical when it comes to MLM's (multi-level marketing). Jeff has joined a few in the past, but they never really went anywhere. A buddy of his approached him about Efusjon a couple of months ago. Jeff put him off at first and I kept thinking-I wish he would bug off :) When Jeff finally found out what Efusjon was all about, he signed up immediately. A few weeks later I was signed up as well. That was at the beginning of April. I just got my first check and I haven't done a thing!!!

What's even better is that next month's check will be almost double that (so far). So here's how it works. Efusjon is an energy club. They have great products as well as a great compensation plan. Their products are all natural and don't contain all the 'junk' that other energy drinks do. I have yet to drink a full can by myself because my boys like it and always have to share with me.

Efusjon is based on a community (shared) matrix. To be paid you have to have three people sign up. Then those people have three people sign up and on and on. You are not only paid on those people that you sign up, but sign-ups from your neighbors in the matrix as well. That's the beauty of the design. When I joined a little over a month ago, I had 17 people underneath me. I now have 117 (and counting). It's fun to watch it grow. What's even better is that Efusjon is going to launch on Facebook in the near future. It will be the first time a MLM and a social networking application will team up. The results are going to be insane!!!

If you want the opportunity to make some extra money, you should check it out. There's a short video that explains the company much better than I did Check it out.

You can also get more information at That's my webpage at Efusjon.

Friday, May 15, 2009

T-Ball Boys

We've had a fun t-ball season (thus far) with both boys playing t-ball. Isn't little man too young you ask? Yes, but there was no way I could keep him on the sidelines. He loves that he's part of the team and is quite proud of himself for playing. Here they are ready to play. Their shirts drown them and notice the randomly assigned numbers :)
Big man running the bases. He's come a long way since last year.

Little man taking a breather. He's good through the first two innings and then loses energy (and interest)

The helmet drowns him too! He loves to run the bases.

Swing and a miss.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What a busy weekend...

I have had spring fever really bad. I've been wanting to work on some of these projects for a long time and have finally gotten around to it. The first one was painting my bedroom. It was brown and I wanted it green. Sounds simple, huh? Without the vaulted ceilings it would've been easy. So far I have completed 3 of the 4 walls. Hopefully this week the last wall will be done.

This is one of the finished walls. Now I need something fun to put on there.

The next project was to clean out the backyard. We have two really big gardens that were growing some really nice weeds. I wanted to make them usable. I wish I'd done some before pictures because they turned out pretty cool. The smaller of the two gardens is going to be for vegetables. I spent Thursday and Friday weeding and moving the dirt around. On Saturday, Jeff removed the curbing and put some rocks around the garden to shape it up. We shortened up the space and put sod in the remaining part. This also required some additional sprinklers. I'm pretty excited about the drip system he put in. I can't wait to plant my veggies :) I'll keep you posted.
This is the large garden. I filled up a huge wheelbarrow with all the weeds. I also removed a couple of the quakies. It looks pretty bare right now, but it will soon have some fruit trees, bushes, plants, and pumpkins. The kids are pretty excited about planting pumpkins. I'm excited to have a nice backyard. We've worked hard and it looks great.

I wonder what the next project should be... :)

Happy Mother's Day-to me

I had the best Mother's day. It started well before 7:00 a.m. with my boys coming to find me. Big man wanted me to open the present he made from preschool. He was pretty proud of it-and kept it secret all week.
Next I got breakfast in bed. I was still semi-asleep at this point (after a LONG night with a teething Baby H). Big man picked out Rice Chex from the cupboard and served it to me in bed (which happened to be the couch last night). It was a very sweet gesture, even though I don't love Rice Chex :)

Little man made this cute handprint in Nursery at church. He was pretty proud of it. I love it.
Don't let this cute picture of Baby H deceive you. Yes she's adorable, but she's quite a little booger right now. She's on a sleep strike and has been for the last two weeks. She's working on breaking her top 4 teeth. One is through and the rest are close. Why can't we do one at a time??? I'm looking forward to a happier baby soon.

I love being a mom. These three little angels teach me so much every day. I also have a wonderful husband to worked very hard all weekend to make me a happy mom. Love you guys.