Baby H is four weeks old tomorrow. It's been a crazy four weeks. Here are some things I've learned with three kids:
1. Leaving the house must be timed very carefully-between feedings, naps, meals, etc. This gives me a very small window of time to actually go anywhere or do anything :)
2. The boys won't need my attention until I'm feeding the baby. At which time they have to be on my lap or sitting close by. This gives them the perfect opportunity to bug her and me.
3. I don't have to have a reason to cry. In fact there have been a few times when me and ALL three kids have been crying at the same time. It's pretty sad when I start crying just seeing Jeff's car pull in the driveway.
4. I'm having a good day when I've showered and dressed. It's a fairly good day if I'm dressed before noon. Some days me and the kids are in our jammies all day. That's okay too.
5. It's okay to have kids songs in my head all day. The kids favorite cartoons have some pretty catchy tunes. It's a little annoying when I can't get them out of my head to go to sleep. We've watched a lot of cartoons in the last few weeks.
6. It's nice not to have to cook. Due to the kindness of family and neighbors I didn't have to make a single dinner for three whole weeks. It was heaven.
7. The boys do a pretty good job of washing themselves in the tub. Why was I doing it for them all this time? I learned this a few nights ago while I was sitting on the bathroom floor feeding the baby while the boys bathed. Jeff was working late.
8. Shopping with three kids is quite an adventure. One I don't want to repeat anytime soon. I went to Kohls to try and find a dress. I took the double stroller thinking the carseat could go in the back, little man in the front and big man could walk. Big man didn't want to walk, he wanted in the stroller, so I'm trying to push the stroller with one hand and hold the carrier with the other. Once I found something I wanted to look at both boys jumped out of the stroller and ran around like mad men. I spent most of the time tracking them down. After about ten minutes I gave up and went home. What was I thinking.
9. Jeff is a great dad. I of course already knew this, but I'm amazed at how great he is with the kids. Especially the boys. They have so much fun with him and when he's at work they ask for him all day. It makes me very grateful to be sharing this large task of parenting with him. My hat goes off to all single parents. I couldn't do it.
10. I am very blessed. Sure I get tired and ornery, but I love my kids and my husband. I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Like I said, it's been a crazy four weeks, but each day gets a little easier.
Oh Meggan, I so relate to the crying thing. Unfortunately for me it is all the time and not just after a baby. I am glad you are learning all these life lessons. Three is a big change. Good luck on the adventure.
Hope you had a very good birthday yesterday!!!
Hang in there Meggan. It really gets easier. In fact, most of the time I actually take all 3 kids with me to the store because of the time of day that I go. You're a great mom!! Keep smiling.
i'm smiling. because you are making me remember when the girls are little.
and i completely understand you crying when he comes home. i'm glad he gives you relief.
congratulations again...i knew you both would be great at being parents!
it does get easier. If you can handle 3 you can have 12. 3 is the hardest, then they get older and you have helpers!! hey happy birthday on the 23rd... i hope it was a good day!! hang in there. by 6 weeks you will have in down!!
I love to hear all of the encouraging advice from everyone. I have heard over and over that 3 is the hardest. That is why I still only have 2. GOOD LUCK Meggan!
Just remember that if you want to, you can call and I will come up some evening and you can go shopping or whatever you need. And just so you know, that boy of mine and those grandkids have a great wife and mother in you.
Sounds like an adventure! I have a hint about #8. Smith's Marketplace! You may already know this, but for anyone who doesn't, Smith's Marketplace has free drop-off childcare. You get an hour to shop while your kids (2yrs +) play in a very visible, clean little playroom. Heaven!!! I also love the Baby Club- rewards for buying diapers, formula, wipes, and even baby clothes!
Keep up the good work! It does get a little easier!
PS I take my kids to the Smith's on 9000 S & Redwood Road. If I tell them we need to go to the store, they ask if we can go there!
It's totally worth the drive!
I am trying to decide if this posts makes me want to have another one or not. I am glad you can give me advice since you took the challenge first. I think you are an amazing mom. Isn't if fun having a girl, though?
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