Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Little Princess Turns 3

I can't believe my little girl is 3. She seems so grown up. A little friend of hers is in a dance class in Nephi. I called the teacher and it was very inexpensive, so I decided to sign her up as well. Her first class was today. She was SO excited. She looked adorable all dressed up.

We had our family over on Sunday for her birthday party. She was so cute opening her presents. She was so excited about her clothes and toys. It's such a fun age.

It's been so fun to have Little Princess in our family. Jeff was a little nervous to have a girl, but she has him wrapped around her little finger. She's definitely a daddy's girl. We love you Little Princess. Happy Birthday.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This and That...

The first thing on my mind is my aunt and uncle. They lost everything in a fire early this morning. What can you say at a time like this. They lost several animals, but no one else was hurt. My heart goes out to their family. They are in our thoughts and prayers.

On a happier note, everyone laughed when I cut Baby M's hair a couple of months ago, but it is coming in nicely. It's at that wild, crazy stage so today we tried her first pony. It's pretty little, but it's really cute. She wasn't very thrilled with it.

She went in for her 6 month visit last week and I found out she weight 17 lbs 2 oz! What a chunk!

Jeff and the kids went up the canyon the other day. It started raining and he took this cool picture out the window. I've really enjoyed the rain storms down here. I enjoyed this particular rain storm from my bedroom window snuggling with my baby.

Little Princess had a cold. She was pretty miserable, but didn't want to miss out on the fun.

This picture was from Little Man's birthday a few weeks ago. I found it tonight on the camera and thought it was cute. Already Baby M has to be a part of the action.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

I wanted to write down some of my feelings about 9/11. I turned on the TV for background noise tonight while I was doing my grading and watched two different 9/11 specials. The first one was a documentary on the fire fighters and the second started out with a tribute to the kids born to fathers who died in 9/11. I didn't think I would be so emotional about all of it, but I am. What really got me was listening to these sweet children who are growing up without a father. They know their fathers deaths were tragedies, but they seem happy and well adjusted.

I'm also saddened by the news of the fire fighters who are struggling today 10 years later with feelings of guilt because they survived. There continues to be victims of 9/11 today. They talked about the firefighters who have died of cancer they think is related to breathing the toxic fumes at ground zero.

10 years have gone by really quickly for me. When 9/11 happened I was up at Utah State. I remember listening to my radio getting ready for school and hearing about it. On campus all the TV's were showing images of the towers. I remember feeling like I wanted to go home and be close to my family. My next reaction was, how can I help? I wanted to give blood or do something even though I was so far away. I remember it being an emotional day. On the anniversary every year, I remember what happened, but I feel pretty removed from the tragedy. I didn't lose a loved one or even know anyone that did. But for some reason this 10 year anniversary has really made me think and reflect.

I'm grateful to those who selfishly give of themselves to help protect others. Amidst all the tragedy and sadness, there are acts of courage, bravery, selflessness. It reminds me that people can be good, kind, and giving towards others.

It will be interesting to see what the next 10 years bring.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

6 Months

Where has the time gone? Baby M is SIX MONTHS OLD today. I took a few pictures and I just couldn't choose between them, they were all so cute.

So here's what she's up to: she broke her first tooth last week (thus the drool in some of the pictures). I'm pretty sure she's working on more. She's been kind of sad and ornery the last couple of days. She started solids about a month ago and LOVES them. She's a little piggy. She can drink from a cup and sippy. I can't take a drink without sharing :)

She loves to talk and scream and giggle. All her siblings can get her to laugh, but she giggles the most for Big Man. It might be because he's so goofy with her. He makes me laugh too. She can roll over both ways, but usually doesn't. She's only done it a few times. She is a big Mama's girl, which should be flattering, right? Well, it's not. She cries for anyone but me (including her dad). Sometimes this mama needs a break. I guess that's what nap time is for.

All in all, she's a cute, happy, fun, healthy baby. She brings a lot of joy to our lives and we're happy she's part of our family.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Little Man's BIG Day

Today is Little Man's Birthday and his first day of preschool. He was one excited little guy. We celebrated last night with family and had a great time. He (and his brother) couldn't wait to wake up this morning to play with all his new stuff.

I can't believe my kids are getting so big. They get cuter and cuter too! I sure do love them.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hauling Hay

Didn't know I married a farmer. I'm learning so many new things about my husband after (almost) 9 years of marriage. He started last weekend with cutting, bailing, and hauling hay. He tried it with just him and the boys one Saturday and decided it was too much work alone, so I got enlisted. All I had to do was drive the Exped. and trailer around while he threw the hay on. I got pretty good at it after a while. We spent several days doing it and had a good time. I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I wanted to, but here's a few I took.