Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lamb Day 2011

I didn't get very many pictures of Lamb Day this year. It's kind of hard to keep track of four kids and take pictures of everything. That and I don't know how to work the new camera yet. I've got to get going on that! We signed the boys up for mutton bustin. They were kind of nervous, but did great.

Big Man took this picture at the parade. It wasn't nearly as hot this year which was so nice. The weather is usually in the 90's or higher, but this year it was a little more mild. At night, it even got a little bit chilly.
This was my 10th year at Lamb Day. Jeff and I started going when we were dating. I can't believe it's been that long. It's fun to see good friends, relax, let the kids play, watch softball and fireworks, etc. It's always a lot of work going anywhere for the weekend with kids, but it was fun. We're building memories together as a family and I think that is important.

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