Monday, April 26, 2010

My Little Creator

Do you ever wonder what your kids will grow up to be? It's fun to see their interests and talents emerge, especially at such a young age. Big Man is very much into creating things. He's always creating some sort of art project. It's usually all on his own too. I've always said that using his imagination and creativity results in a HUGE mess for me, but look at the results.

In case you couldn't tell, the first one is an airplane, then R2D2, and C-3PO. We definitely go through a lot of paper, kleenex, and art supplies. All of these creations are 'pillows' as he calls them. They're stuffed with kleenex.

Little Man on the other hand is our athlete. He loves sports of all kinds and he's good at them too. It comes more naturally to him. He's in T-ball this year and loving it. If I remember to take my camera to any games, I'll get some pics. It will be interesting to see what Little Princess likes as she gets older.

1 comment:

Amy C. said...

Deegan is my creator! We go through all those same things and scraps of wood, nails, duct tape or whatever. I love to see what they create! Just wish it didn't clutter my house so much