Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer is Here...

I'm not really in summer mode yet, even though it is here. I don't know if it was the rainy cold weather in May or what, but I'm just not there mentally. We've got some fun things planned this summer. We signed up for free bowling for the kids. We're doing the Tuesday movie club at Movies 9, and Wednesdays we have a playgroup at various splash parks. I think once we're in the routine, I'll be better adjusted. I've also incorporated morning chores and afternoon 'quiet time'. The kids are still adjusting to those.

Baby M is getting so big. She loves to smile and 'talk' which her brothers and sister love. Whenever she makes certain sounds, the kids try to get me to make her do it again-as if I can magically control her. It's funny. For all of the other kids we had this thing I called a tent toy. You place it over babies on the floor and they play with the hanging toys. Well, it was ruined after Little Princess was a baby, so I got creative and made a similar one out of PVC pipe. So far she loves it. My other three little helpers placed the excessive amount of toys on it.

As I was getting the pictures off the camera, I found this one of Little Princess. Her eyes are so blue in it. It's amazing to me how quickly she is growing up.
Little Man also surprised me tonight by writing everyone's names on some new squirt guns we bought. I didn't know he knew how to write and spell his brother and sister's names. He knows his really well, but it's amazing the things he's picked up from his older sibling. I am a lucky mom and have the cutest kids.

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