Monday, June 27, 2011

Bear Lake

I've been thinking about Bear Lake a lot lately and how much fun I had there as a kid. I wanted my kids to be able to experience some of the magic as well, so I called my uncle to see if we could stay at his cabin. It was kind of a last minute decision, but it all came together very nicely. We invited Jeff's sister and her family since we wouldn't see them at all for the rest of the summer.

It is such a beautiful peaceful place. This was taken from the swimming pool at the clubhouse by the cabin. There are so many great views of the lake.

The last time I went to Bear Lake was 9 years ago. Jeff and I were dating and went up from Logan a few times that summer. My grandparents still owned the cabin and it was exactly how I remembered it from my childhood. Things have definitely changed in the last 9 years. There are a lot more cabins, my uncle now owns my grandparents cabin, and I have grown older and maybe even wiser :) This sign was by one of the new cabins by us. My kids kept looking for the troll.
We went 'into town' to get a famous Raspberry shake. It was taking way too long, so the kids were checking it out.
There were lots of fun hats at the cabin for Jeff to wear. This was his hat of choice to wear to town. Earlier in the day he wore a nice ladies hat to the pool.
We had fun with cousins. Big Man had fun chasing J around. She's a cutie.
The kids had fun playing out in the yard and exploring.
Big Man had a great time helping Jeff build a campfire. We roasted 'smarshmallows' and ate smores.
We also had fun at the beach. The water was freezing, but that didn't stop us from getting in.

It was a fun trip. I know my kids won't have the same memories of Bear Lake that I do, but it was fun to take them all the same.

Chubby Baby

Lots of firsts for Baby M this weekend: first time swimming, first time going on a vacation (Bear Lake), and first time giggling. Good thing we had the camera around to capture it all. I cant believe how big she's getting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer is Here...

I'm not really in summer mode yet, even though it is here. I don't know if it was the rainy cold weather in May or what, but I'm just not there mentally. We've got some fun things planned this summer. We signed up for free bowling for the kids. We're doing the Tuesday movie club at Movies 9, and Wednesdays we have a playgroup at various splash parks. I think once we're in the routine, I'll be better adjusted. I've also incorporated morning chores and afternoon 'quiet time'. The kids are still adjusting to those.

Baby M is getting so big. She loves to smile and 'talk' which her brothers and sister love. Whenever she makes certain sounds, the kids try to get me to make her do it again-as if I can magically control her. It's funny. For all of the other kids we had this thing I called a tent toy. You place it over babies on the floor and they play with the hanging toys. Well, it was ruined after Little Princess was a baby, so I got creative and made a similar one out of PVC pipe. So far she loves it. My other three little helpers placed the excessive amount of toys on it.

As I was getting the pictures off the camera, I found this one of Little Princess. Her eyes are so blue in it. It's amazing to me how quickly she is growing up.
Little Man also surprised me tonight by writing everyone's names on some new squirt guns we bought. I didn't know he knew how to write and spell his brother and sister's names. He knows his really well, but it's amazing the things he's picked up from his older sibling. I am a lucky mom and have the cutest kids.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Riding Horses

My boys went horseback riding in Mona today. Big Man rode a horse all by himself. He was pretty proud of himself. What a big dude.

Two of my three favorite guys. You can't tell me they don't look like trouble.

While the boys were riding horses, us girls were having a yard sale. It's always a lot of work, but it's nice to go through stuff we don't use and get rid of it-and make a few bucks in the process. It was fun. I took the girls to dinner at Chick-Fil-A and had a blast. It's fun to watch Little Princess without her brothers around. She's much more mellow. I'd say it was a good day for the Hansens.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What a Helper

Big Man helped me get Baby M out of the tub and lotioned tonight. When I came into my bedroom this is how I found her. At least she smells good and is super soft :)

School Carnival

Big Man's school had a carnival this last week. There were a lot of fun things for the kids to do. It was a crazy but fun night.