Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This and That...

Nothing too exciting has been going on with our family. We're getting used to being a family of 6. Baby M is two months old and gets cuter and cuter every day. In the last few weeks she's started smiling and cooing. I love to listen to her 'talk'. She's always doing something funny with her hands. If she falls asleep unwrapped, she'll stick her hands straight out. This is her ninja pose.
I'm sure she has MUCH more of this to endure. With three older siblings, I'm sure she's bound to be picked on a time or two. (Don't you love her cross eyed look?)

Big Man has the week off for Kindergarten testing. He did his test last Friday, so this week he's been a little bored. Today while I was exercising, this is how he spent his time. I'm surprised Little Princess sat still for him.

Not only did he do Little Princess's hair, but he also made a bunch of tickets for his hair shop. It's up and running if you need an appointment.
Finally we're grandparents-as far as chickens go. The baby chicks that we had at our house last year are parents this year. Jeff and the boys went down to the farm this week and were able to see the baby chicks. So cute.

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