Friday, September 25, 2009

What a Week!!!

This week I have been a deer hunting widow. Overall it has been a busy and crazy week. Monday started out with a big scrape on Big Man's cheek. He came home from preschool and his friend's house with a big scrape. He fell off of his friend's scooter. His friend's mom felt bad. It happens. I didn't think anything of it until I realized Wednesday was picture day at preschool. As soon as I get those back, I'll be sure to post :) It should be a good one with no bottom teeth and a big owie on his cheek. Later that day a little mishap with a slamming door knocked over a decoration and somehow made our toilet leak. I had to turn off the water to the toilet and we have not been able to use that bathroom all week. Sounds like a small inconvenience I know, but I didn't realize how much everyone used that bathroom.

Right after Little Man turned three he went to the dentist for the first time. He was so excited to go and he was the best little patient. The bad news was he had some major cavities. Three of his four back molars had cavities so deep that the nerve needed to be removed. The dentist said it could be due to fevers and ear infections when he was younger. He also encouraged me to 'put him out' for the procedure. We set it all up for the South Town Surgery Center for Thursday of this week (this was before I knew it was deer hunting week). Tuesday night I got a call saying the surgery center didn't accept our insurance. The next opening was in October unless I did it at their office today (Friday). I opted for their office. I wanted to get it over with. I made arrangements with family to watch the other two kids and we were set.

I didn't quite know how they were going to put him out to do the surgery. I held him in my lap and they gave him a shot in his arm (while being distracted with toys). Three minutes later he was out. They took him back, started an IV and the whole thing took about 25 minutes. It took him almost an hour to wake up. He was pretty out of it when he first woke up. It took about a half hour for him to fully wake up. The rest of the afternoon and evening he was kind of restless and tired. Overall, I think he did great. He did throw up a couple of times from the anesthesia, but I think it went well. The other two did well at their cousins and grandparents houses. Thanks to my family for their help :)

I made a few phone calls while we were relaxing at home and of course Little Man wanted to talk. While he was talking to his Grandma, she asked how he was. He told her he was grumpy. I've never heard him use that word before, but I thought it was hilarious. He's such a cutie.

I think there were a few other events this week, but I can't remember them now. Tomorrow is birthday cake shopping for Little Princess. She turns one on Sunday. I can't believe it's been a year. I'll post some pictures when I get my camera back from the deer hunter.


The Shill Spill said...

No way! You've had your baby girl for a whole year now? That CAN'T BE! That is sooo crazy! Sounds like you kept pretty busy during 'widow' week. I had a week similar to business during 'scout' week a little while back. :)

Janille said...

Wow what a week!

Big Man's picture will be priceless! I can't wait to see it!

I am so sorry to hear about Little Man! That is a GOOD thing to have over!

And how is Little Princess ONE? Tell her Happy Birthday! That went fast!

Have a good week!