Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Little Man is getting Baptized.

I can't pick a favorite, they all turned out so darn cute. I can't believe he's almost 8. Little Man gets to be baptized on his birthday in September. He is SO excited. He's growing up to be a great young man.  We love ya buddy!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Long time, no post!!!

I was never going to be one of those people who got 3 months behind on their blog.   Oops.  Having 5 kids and having them all home for the summer has had adjustments.  There are lots of little things I don't get to.  I've learned to be okay with that. 

I am finally updating pictures and I have over 300 to print off and put in their scrapbooks.  It may have to wait until they go back to school, but this is a start.  I just picked some random ones to add to this post.  There are lots of other ones, but this will do for now.

This happened right before Little Princess's preschool graduation.  She collided with a friend on the tramp.  She came in screaming and I didn't know why she wouldn't calm down until hours later when her nose and eye were black and blue.  This picture doesn't do the bruising justice, but you can see how puffy her nose is.  It was probably broke, but we never got it x-rayed. 

All of her graduation pictures were super cute with a colorful face.

This little goofball continues to make us laugh.  She's got such a fun personality and is a lot of fun to be around.

She had a hernia since she was a baby.  One of her Doctors said she'd grow out of it by age 3, but her new pediatrician said it needed surgery.  So we went to the Primary Children's outpatient surgery in Riverton.  They did a great job and made the whole process go smoothly.

We all love when Daddy comes home.  These girls will talk him into playing Barbie 'Go Fish' while he watches his ball games.  Sometimes costumes or hats are involved.  He's a great dad.

This little chunk is learning so much and growing too fast.  She's started grabbing things and of course they go to her mouth.  This was right before we started solids.  She loves to eat fruits and has done great with them.

The carnival came to the Ute Stampede in Nephi.  Me and the girls rode this crazy ride two times. I am not one for selfies-but I couldn't pass up a photo op with these two.  The Mover just giggled the whole time on the ride. I had to hold her bum to one side because she kept sliding. 

This was taken on her 5 month birthday.  In one more month we'll see where she is weight wise.  She was in the 70th percentile at 4 months for weight.  We love every squishy inch of her.  Her latest accomplishments are growling and grabbing her toes.

On the 24th of July we went fishing.  The kids had a blast.  We caught over 20 fish.

We went to our first Mona Days. We've lived here three years but have always had conflicts.

This little turkey falls asleep in the car if she goes anywhere between 4-7.  She stayed home from the farm this day to avoid a late nap (which ruins bedtime) She fell asleep on the lawn mower instead.  As she was starting to nod off, I made her get off and go sit on the grass.  This is what happened.  I took her in when I was done and she slept for another hour.  We were up until midnight. 

The best way I can get my girls to play with toys is to ask them to clean up the toy room.  I of course have to help (since I made such a mess).  They always find everything in there so terribly fascinating when they're supposed to be cleaning. We could've been done long before we were.

I came into the washroom to find this action going on.  She's watched and help me sort enough times that she was ready to try it herself.  The piles were not defined, but she meant business.  I love this little helper.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Blessing Dress

Me and the girls dressed up Baby S today in her blessing dress and had a little photo shoot. She looked so cute.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Baby S's continued adventures

Baby S continues to cause excitement around here. Last Tuesday I went into my midwife for my 2 week postpartum visit. They check out the baby as well. She listened to her chest and watched her breathing and checked her oxygen level and told me she needed to be seen by her Dr. She had a stuffy nose for a few days and had started with a cough the night before. When I left there, I called her pediatrician (we'd never seen him before). She was scheduled for the next afternoon, but moved it up a day because she was sick. They initially told me that we could come in at 2:30. I told them I'd really like to come in earlier. We went in at 11:30.

 After her exam with the Dr. he told me he wanted to admit her to test for RSV. His office was in the same complex as Mountain View Hospital in Payson, so that's where we went. We were sent to Pediatrics for observation. They did the test for RSV which came back negative. They sent it off to Salt Lake to test for 10 other viruses. We hung out all afternoon with her being monitored. Her oxygen levels finally dipped too low and wouldn't come back up, so they put her on oxygen. We stayed over night until the test results came back. The results were the Rhino Virus, which is just the common cold. Luckily she didn't have a fever with it, so they didn't have to run the whole panel of invasive tests. We tried going off the oxygen, but she couldn't maintain her levels. They were also monitoring her input and output. She was eating okay, but did not have any wet diapers. The Dr. was really concerned with that. She would throw up almost every time she ate. Not just a little, a lot. Her birth weight was 7 lbs. She was down to 6 lbs 4 oz. when they weighed her at the hospital. We ended up staying another night with no changes.

 On the 3rd day in Payson, she hadn't had enough wet diapers, so they started an IV to get her hydrated. It took them three tries and she was not happy. The Dr. also ordered a tummy x-ray just to see if things were okay.

That afternoon the Dr. came in and asked where the nurse was, he'd gotten the results back from the x-ray. It made me nervous that he wanted the nurse there. He couldn't find her so he talked to me alone (I think he wanted her there for moral support). He said that there was something concerning on the x-ray. It's called pneumatosis which is an infection on the lining of the bowel. Another name for it is Necrotizing Entercolitis. The only way to take care of it is to stop feeding her and treat her with antibiotics and IV's. They couldn't treat it there so she had to be transferred to the NICU in Orem which is a level 3 trauma center. He left at that point and I lost it. I've never been so scared and emotional in all of my life. The next hour was spent arranging for her transfer.

She was transferred by a company called Life Flight, but it was by ambulance (thank goodness). It was quite the setup. All of her monitors, oxygen, IV, etc. was on the stretcher.

The NICU at Mt. Timpanogos is great, but it was very different from our experience in Payson.  I was able to stay in her room with her, they brought me a 'parent meal' 3 times a day.  It was nice.  The NICU seemed to sterile and formal compared to that.  They put her in an isolation room in the NICU.  So in addition to scrubbing in for 5 minutes, you also have to put on a gown, gloves, and a mask.  It's quite the process.  They were able to get me a boarding room up in the Pediatric wing (across the hospital).  I stayed there one night, but decided it would be better to come home and see my other kids a bit too.  I may end up staying over again once she starts feeding again. 

The Dr. at the NICU was great.  He was very thorough and positive.  He explained the process to me even though I was too emotional to remember most of it.  The gist of it was the course of antibiotics would run 7 days from the first normal tummy x-ray.  Meaning, the tummy had to look better first before we could start the countdown of antibiotics.  Friday looked better, but not normal.  Saturday was our first 'normal' x-ray.  In the meantime, they are giving her medicine, regular IV fluids, TPN, and lipids through her IV.  They didn't want to start a PICC line until they knew for sure the timeline and if they'd really need it.  Friday night was the first try at the PICC line.  It didn't work.  Saturday they tried three more times.  Finally Sunday morning, they were able to get it in.  I think it was all the prayers, fasting, and a blessing from my dad that all worked.  My parents had volunteered to be with her on Saturday and Sunday so I could get some rest and see the rest of my family.  It was a much needed break.

In addition to the tummy problems, the Rhino virus settled deep into her lungs so she had pneumonia.  They suctioned her out like crazy and gave her medicine to keep her comfortable. Her worst day was Saturday. She was pretty miserable.  She finally turned the corner on Sunday and started feeling and acting better.  This little girl is a fighter.  She's got such a tiny little body, but she is STRONG.  The first night in the NICU, she pulled the IV out of her head, after the nurses had spent a long time getting it in.   It's been hard to be away from her, but I know she's where she needs to be. I'm glad she's getting better I can't wait until she comes home.

Jeff was able to stay home last week with the kids and be Mr. Mom.  He did a fantastic job.  This week he had to get back to work, so I've been taking people up on their offers of help with the kids, meals, etc.  I've been overwhelmed with the love and generosity of so many people.  Family, friends, neighbors, ward members, and others have been so kind and supportive.  I'm much better at being on the giving end of things, but I'm finding out that there are times we have to accept help.  I know others are being blessed for their service to me and my family. I am so thankful for all that people have done for us.

In my quiet time in the NICU holding my beautiful baby I have had time to write in my journal and reflect upon all the lessons I have learned in the three short weeks she has been with our family.  What an adventure it was been.  I love her so much and am grateful for all that she has taught me. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Baby S

Baby S is two weeks old! Time sure flies when you're sleep deprived :)  I've found all sorts of fun pictures that her brothers and sisters have taken on my phone.

Here's a picture of her first tub.  She didn't love it.  Her hair is a riot when it's clean.  It sticks straight up.

I've never seen a baby with so many expressions.  She frowns like crazy in her sleep.  It's really cute.

Baby S finally got her hospital stay.  She got my cold and was having trouble keeping her oxygen levels up.  She was really congested and stuffy.  The Dr. admitted her to test for RSV and other viruses.  She's been on a small amount of oxygen and they've suctioned her like crazy.  If she can eat better we might get to go home soon.  At birth she was 7 lbs.  Yesterday at two weeks she was down to 6 lbs 4 ounces.  The Dr. was concerned with the loss.  She's been a very spitty baby even before she was sick.  Hopefully she'll start gaining soon.  This picture is cute and sad at the same time.

Busy Busy Busy

Life is busy with 5 kids. There is a lot of running around and different activities that the kids are involved in.  This was the first season of basketball for both boys. They had fun and learned a lot. 

I'm sad this picture turned out blurry, but you can still see her mad organizational skills.  I brought up a bunch of toys from the toy room so she could play while I feed baby.  My family room is a disaster, but she's having a blast.

No matter how many times I tell The Mover to get out of the swing, she ignores me.  She thinks it's her personal toy.  This day she took the liberty of listening to her brother's music while swinging away.  What a nut.

Both of my boys signed up for the talent show on their own.  Big Man played a song on the piano.  It turns out I'm a horrible one-handed photographer.  You can kind of see him :)  He's the one at the piano.

Little Man signed up to do roping with his buddy.  They were so funny. They practiced all week to get ready for the roping event.

I am proud of my boys for signing up and showing off their talents. 

Today was Wacky Wednesday at preschool.  I was not home so Jeff got Little Princess ready.  She wore her clothes inside out, and this is the hair creation.  Very creative and fun.