So why have I been MIA you ask-well it's partially because my camera has been involved in hunting season. I like to have pictures when I make a new post and whenever I think about it, the camera is nowhere to be found. I'm thinking we need to be a two-camera family :) One day...
For the last few days, Big Man has been talking about training himself on his bike. One of his preschool friends apparently trained himself on his bike. So today we got out the tools and took the training wheels off. I held onto the back of his bike the first time he went around the driveway. After that he was off and running. It took about 10 times of me helping him get started, but then he totally got it. By the time daddy got home, he was doing it all himself. He was so cute the first few times. He'd just smile and giggle. He was so excited that he was doing it himself. It's so fun to watch kids learn new things and discover that they can do something if they set their mind to it. Little man of course wanted to try his bike without the training wheels. We tried once, but decided we needed to work on his balance first. So his training wheels have been raised way up. Before long he'll have it too :) It was a fun afternoon.
Don't you love that stage where babies want to start feeding themselves? Finger foods are one thing, but foods that require a spoon are quite different. Don't get me wrong, I love it when they can feed themselves, it frees up a lot of my time, but I don't love the mess. My kitchen floor is always caked in one thing or another. It's exhausting to try and keep it clean. This particular morning Jeff was on breakfast duty and wasn't happy with me for giving her yogurt before I left :)
I found this picture on my camera. It's a couple of months old. Little Princess has since given up the bottle. Doesn't this look cozy and fun. These little munchkins have taken over our bed-day and night. They don't sleep with us, but sometimes sneak in when we're too tired to realize what's going on. I can't resist cuddling with them, they're so dang cute.
I can't believe that October is almost over. I love fall and Halloween. The boys have had fun making decorations for our windows and fridge. Big Man is really into art projects. Most of his time is spent coloring, cutting, pasting, and creating. He is very imaginative and does great work.
The boys are excited to wear their costumes. There are lots of fun events coming up in the next few weeks: Halloween birthday party for Mom, Gardner Village, Trunk or Treat at our church, and then Halloween itself. I'm not looking forward to all of the candy in the house, but it's fun to see my kids have a good time. I hope November is not a let down after all of the October excitement.
For some reason this year, I got an itch to start my Christmas shopping in September. We exchanged names for Jeff's side of the family and I started buying presents. With the exception of two people, I am done shopping for the extended family. I'm pretty proud of myself. I still have my kids to shop for, but that will require shopping trips without them :) I love the holidays.