I am finally updating pictures and I have over 300 to print off and put in their scrapbooks. It may have to wait until they go back to school, but this is a start. I just picked some random ones to add to this post. There are lots of other ones, but this will do for now.
This happened right before Little Princess's preschool graduation. She collided with a friend on the tramp. She came in screaming and I didn't know why she wouldn't calm down until hours later when her nose and eye were black and blue. This picture doesn't do the bruising justice, but you can see how puffy her nose is. It was probably broke, but we never got it x-rayed.
All of her graduation pictures were super cute with a colorful face.
This little goofball continues to make us laugh. She's got such a fun personality and is a lot of fun to be around.
She had a hernia since she was a baby. One of her Doctors said she'd grow out of it by age 3, but her new pediatrician said it needed surgery. So we went to the Primary Children's outpatient surgery in Riverton. They did a great job and made the whole process go smoothly.
We all love when Daddy comes home. These girls will talk him into playing Barbie 'Go Fish' while he watches his ball games. Sometimes costumes or hats are involved. He's a great dad.
This little chunk is learning so much and growing too fast. She's started grabbing things and of course they go to her mouth. This was right before we started solids. She loves to eat fruits and has done great with them.
The carnival came to the Ute Stampede in Nephi. Me and the girls rode this crazy ride two times. I am not one for selfies-but I couldn't pass up a photo op with these two. The Mover just giggled the whole time on the ride. I had to hold her bum to one side because she kept sliding.
This was taken on her 5 month birthday. In one more month we'll see where she is weight wise. She was in the 70th percentile at 4 months for weight. We love every squishy inch of her. Her latest accomplishments are growling and grabbing her toes.
On the 24th of July we went fishing. The kids had a blast. We caught over 20 fish.
We went to our first Mona Days. We've lived here three years but have always had conflicts.
This little turkey falls asleep in the car if she goes anywhere between 4-7. She stayed home from the farm this day to avoid a late nap (which ruins bedtime) She fell asleep on the lawn mower instead. As she was starting to nod off, I made her get off and go sit on the grass. This is what happened. I took her in when I was done and she slept for another hour. We were up until midnight.
The best way I can get my girls to play with toys is to ask them to clean up the toy room. I of course have to help (since I made such a mess). They always find everything in there so terribly fascinating when they're supposed to be cleaning. We could've been done long before we were.
I came into the washroom to find this action going on. She's watched and help me sort enough times that she was ready to try it herself. The piles were not defined, but she meant business. I love this little helper.