Monday, February 18, 2013

February Fun

Holidays are always so much more fun with kids. My kids had a blast with Valentines this year. Little Princess was excited to have her own party at school. They had fun showing off their boxes too.

The bandana on the cowboy box was a last minute touch.  Little Man had to wear one as well (along with all of his cowboy garb).  It was Valentine's and Halloween all in one!

Earlier in the month was our ward's Blue and Gold Banquet.  Big Man has earned his bobcat.  He had a good time getting his face painted.

I don't know who's in bigger trouble here-The Mover for decorating herself, or her dad for giving her the pen and paper and leaving her unsupervised on our bed.  Hmmm.

Little Man had a President's Day program.  He had his own little part that he learned and several songs that his class sang.  It was cute.  He did a great job.

It's been a busy and fun month. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Catching up!

Here are the kids Valentine boxes. We are prepared this year doing them early instead of the morning of (because I forgot). I let each kid pick what they wanted then I looked online for ideas. I think they turned out pretty cute.

I love the messy stage of eating and completely ruining your clothes several times a day. Little Man let The Mover finish his fruit smoothie from Costco. Oh boy.

She loves ramen noodles. Not only are they good to eat, but so fun to play with and spread everywhere. The kids all think it's great to mostly swallow a long noodle and then pull it all the way back out. Gross! Take note of the lovely stamp on her forehead. Her and her sister thought it would be fun to decorate themselves. Good times!

We had a day off last week so we went up to Salt Lake. We went sledding and I ran lots of errands. It was fun.