Last summer I let the boys take some of their own money to a few yard sales in Nephi. They picked out these lovely boxing gloves. I am not an advocate of fighting and really don't want to promote it, so I let them play with them a few times and then they quietly slipped away into the yard sale box.
That was until today. I got out the yard sale box to take pictures of. There's a group on facebook for an indoor yard sale, so I was going to post a few things. I took all the pictures while they were playing at their friends house. They came home and immediately went through it all. Before I know it, Little Man is yelling that they need to change into shorts. Not just any shorts, but shorts that match their boxing gloves. The fighting began. Before I knew it they'd recruited their sister to be the announcer. Next thing I know she's changed into a pair of blue shorts and has on a pair of boxing gloves while Big Man is doing the announcing. (Complete with a toy microphone from the yard sale toys) It was utter chaos. I finally convinced them to at least take the boxing downstairs so Baby M could sleep. When Baby M woke up she became a spectator and the boxing event continued.
They are creative and adorable (even if they are loud and a little rough and tumble).
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