Wednesday, February 25, 2009

They're growing up...

I am amazed at how quickly time goes by. I blinked and February is almost over. I guess that's both good and bad. When I look at my kids, I'm amazed at how big they're getting. Baby H cut her first tooth tonight. That would explain why she's been so ornery this last week (that or her ear infection). Both the boys got their first teeth about the same time. She'll be 5 months old on Friday. It's fun to watch her learn new things. She also makes the craziest noises and makes us all laugh. She loves to watch her brothers. When I think they're bugging her to pieces, she's actually quite entertained by them. She lets them know if she doesn't like something, but overall they can get her smiling and laughing better than I can.

Little man is quite the character lately. His reply to everything is "I need to". Occasionally he'll get what I call his insomnia nights. This is where he'll wake up in the middle of the night and it will be 2-3 hours before he goes back to sleep. Last night it happened, but it was more like 4 1/2 hours before he went back. It's not like he plays in his room quietly when this happens, he needs someone to be awake with him, so I was the lucky one.

Big man is really making us smile lately. He's getting so big and amazing us with all he's learning. He definitely has his moments where we want to pull out hair out, but for the most part it just makes our heart melt when he giggles or smiles. He is the best big brother and is very helpful with his siblings.

Jeff just had a birthday on Sunday-so he too is growing up :) Four months out of the year, I am officially OLD, but now we're the same age again. We had a fun time going to dinner and a movie. I hope he had a fun birthday.

I am going to officially declare on my blog that I've lost it. Having Baby H really did me in. This week I discovered that BOTH my temple recommend AND driver's license have expired. This might not sound too bad until you realize when they expired-back in October. I must have been really braindead that month. The driver's license expiration was discovered at my credit union when she asked for a current ID. At least I wasn't pulled over or anything. The temple recommend story is much more humiliating. I actually went to the temple and tried to get in. The worked scanned it and then told me it was expired. Duh, I can't believe I did that. Anyway, I guess it's kind of funny after the fact.

This is the latest from the Hansen family.

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